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I'm a sucker for dynamically progressing music C: Caught myself humming along too haha

There was one point where I was reminiscing over the last death, figuring out the best way to improve and then while I sat on the game over screen I got a neat little bonus :')

This one's good fun!


Simply brilliant! Everything about this game is awesome from the gameplay to the settings menu. It's challenging but still a blast to play, the graphics are simple yet pleasing and you can easily bind keys, mute audio, and change the window size with the click of a button. I love this game and wouldn't change a thing 10/10


Thank you so much, Phil!! :) I don't often get feedback on my older projects so it's really nice to hear. I'm glad you enjoyed my game~


jesus the gameplay is so smooth, we need more

(1 edit) (+1)


Great game bruh

thanks bruh uwu


Another incredible game by Terakorp! Smooth gameplay, great controls, and just the right amount of frustrating, get a preview here:

Nice game, I love the art style and the gameplay is smooth. Would you mind checking out my game? Here is a link


So damn hard! but amazing and good game! 


really fun game, i really love the graphics!


thanks lusid! glad you liked. :D